The White Owl


The white owl (or snowy owl) always sits above me during my meditations. He is my Guardian Spirit Animal Guide. This is sone attributes of the white owl:

The owl is the symbol of
the feminine, the moon and the night.
The owl is the bird of magic and darkness, of prophecy and wisdom.

The owl is associated with Athena.

An owl totem gives you the power to extract secrets.
Meditate on the owl and things will be revealed.
Listen to its voice inside of you.

You will hear not what is being said by others, but what is hidden.
You can detect subtleties of voice that others cannot.
People cannot deceive a person who has an owl totem.

Owl people can see into the darkness of others souls.
Most owl people are clairvoyant because of this ability.
It can be very scary at times.
Learn to trust your instincts about people.
Let your owl totem guide you.

The spiritual meaning of a white owl means you’re maturing. it also can mean you’ve been given more wisdom. Lastly, it can also mean developing and evolving as a person.

In Native American culture, many tribes looked to owls for wisdom and protection and would even wear their feathers as talismans. If you are lucky enough to find an owl feather, keep it forever. Owls were considered in many cultures to be bearers of news or even what some call “psychopomps”. A psychopomp is a spirit that takes a person from life to the underworld after death. They act as a guide to the underworld or otherworld.

Owl mythology is a very deep topic and could go on forever. Let’s just remember that owls are our friends and should be respected & honored just as any other animal that lives on Mother Earth. If the owl spirit guide comes to you, be aware and willing to learn from the owl spirit guide. Don’t push aside the message that the owl spirit guide is sending to you. But don’t be afraid of the owl either…there is nothing to fear of this gorgeous, magical creature

Greek & Roman mythology, the owl was associated with the wise goddess Athene. Apparently owls were said to guard the temple of Athene and were thought of as a sign of protection. If an owl was seen before a battle, it was sure that victory was to be had. Athene’s familiar was a “little owl”.

The wise owl spirit guide comes to remind us of our intuition…that inner voice that many of us choose to ignore or not believe in. The owl spirit guide also reminds us to protect what is ours and to not take anything for granted. Protect your property and your family, for this is truly protecting yourself. The owl spirit guide also wants us to know that he is there to help us learn about ourselves in the deepest sense. Learn more about your spirit, push yourself spiritually. Wisdom is life and life is wisdom. What does your owl spirit guide say to you?

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